In conversation with Deepa Koshaley, an established artist,landscape designer and an active community influencer
Inspiration Masters, LLC is dedicated to making a positive difference in the lives of people on the planet by helping everyone find their purpose and passion in life, and then help with tools, techniques, and strategies to reach their true purpose in life by following their passion.
As a part of our “Inspiring Series,” we invite the difference makers, entrepreneurs, artists, business owners, and individuals who have interesting stories to share which can inspire everyone.
We got the privilege to meet Deepa Koshaley, an established artist, an established artist, landscape designer and an active community influencer. She holds a Master in Landscape Architecture with additional studies in Visual Communication from the University of Texas at Arlington. She also earned a Bachelor of Architecture degree in her native India.
Deepa’s work merges meditation, nature and art as a means to formulate an equal balance between tranquil and aggressive visual abstractions. Her process intentionally awakens a lyrically poetic frame of mind and explores attributes representing femininity as it naturally exists within our landscape.
Deepa’s perfected creative approach is representative of an unseen breath of energy as she executes rapid, decisive, yet spontaneous, suggestive strokes to her compositions. These complicated movements provide a platform for her to embrace subjective emotions within an objective world, thus stimulating a familiar meditative calm within our noisy abstracted cosmos.
Deepa’s new work concentrates on premeditated linear abstract forms reminiscent of femininity. Her anomalous color palettes, provocative arrangements and transcendent textures arouse an irresistible impulse to engage her story.
Today, she seeks answers and communicates a relatable story that disrupts our world's stereotyped views about being a woman.”
Deepa’s works have been exhibited throughout the DFW area in several corporate offices and public venues, including Serendipity Labs, Venture X, Irving Art Center, Eisemann Center (Richardson), South Dallas Cultural Center, Mary Tomas Gallery as well as exhibited works in an International Contemporary Exhibition, hosted by M.A.D.S. Gallery, Milano, Italy.
Deepa is also a RYT 500 yoga teacher, an accomplished poet and an active community influencer. She served leadership roles with The Art of Living Foundation, Texas Visual Arts Association (TVAA), Dallas Art Dealers Association (DADA), Irving Arts Association and the Visual Arts Guild of Frisco.
You can reach Deepa Koshaley at Website: Instagram: Facebook:
Inspiration Masters LLC. Inspiration Masters LLC Inspiring People Worldwide Communication and Leadership Training Institute Phone: 972.948.8476 Email: Website: Facebook: Instagram: YouTube:… LinkedIn:
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